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P.Ammon 02
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P.Cairo Mich. 03
Mohamed Gaber El-Maghrabi and Cornelia Römer. More Texts from the “Archive” of Socrates: Papyri from House 17, Level B, and Other Locations in Karanis (P. Cair. Mich. III), Berlin, Boston 2021
P.Hamb. 04
Bärbel Kramer und Dieter Hagedorn, Griechische Papyri der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg (P. Hamb. IV). (APF, Beiheft 4), Stuttgart - Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1998
P.Mich. 18
Cornelia E. Römer and Traianos Gagos, P.Michigan Koenen. Michigan Texts Published in Honor of Ludwig Koenen. (P. Mich. XVIII) (Studia Amstelodamensia ad epigraphicam, ius antiquum et papyrologicam pertinentia. XXXVI), Amsterdam, J.C. Gieben, 1996
P.Petra 03
Antti Arjava u. a., The Petra Papyri III (American Center of Oriental Research Publications 5), Amman 2007
P.Petra 04
Antti Arjava u. a., The Petra Papyri IV (American Center of Oriental Research Publications 6), Amman 2011
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