
Lemma ὁρμή
P.Daris Sergio Daris, Silloge di papiri greci documentari, Trieste 2015
P.Kell. Copt. 01 A Iain Gardner, Anthony Alcock, Wolf-Peter Funk, Coptic Documentary Texts from Kellis, Volume 1. P.Kellis V (P.Kell. Copt. 10-52; O.Kell. Copt. 1-2). (Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph No. 9), Oxford, Oxbow Books, 1999
P.Nekr. Roger S. Bagnall, The Undertakers of the Great Oasis (P. Nekr.) (Graeco-Roman Memoirs, Supplemental Vol. 1), London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2017
P.Petra 04 Antti Arjava u. a., The Petra Papyri IV (American Center of Oriental Research Publications 6), Amman 2011
Weitere Informationen
Erstellt von D. Hagedorn
Erstellungsdatum vor 2016
interne ID wl-grc-08414

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