
Lemma Γερμανικός
An.Pap. 05 Analecta Papyrologica 5 (1993)
An.Pap. 10/11 Analecta Papyrologica 10-11 (1997-1998)
An.Pap. 25 Analecta Papyrologica 25 (2013)
BASP 43-50 P. van Minnen, Word Index to BASP 43-50, BASP 51 (2014) 287-345
CPR 23 Fritz Mitthof, Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, Band XXIII (Griechische Texte XVI): Neue Dokumente aus dem römischen und spätantiken Ägypten zu Verwaltung und Reichsgeschichte (1.-7. Jh. n. Chr.), Wien 2002
P.Aegyptus Cent. Edizione di testi nel centenario della rivista Aegyptus (P.Aegyptus Cent.), Aegyptus 100, 2020 und Aegyptus 101, 2021.
P.Bodl. 01 R.P. Salomons, Papyri Bodleianae I. (Studia Amstelodamensia ad Epigraphicam, Ius antiquum et Papyrologicam pertinentia. XXXIV), Amsterdam, J.C. Gieben, 1996
P.Mich. 21

Index I

W. Graham Claytor - Arthur Verhoogt (Hg.), Papyri from Karanis: The Granary C123 (P. Mich. XXI), W. G. C. - A. V., editors. With the assistance of Paul Heilporn and Samantha Lash And contributions by Traianos Gagos (†), Adam P. Hyatt, Allison Kemmerle, Martina Landolfi, Louise Loehndorff,Tyler Mayo, Jonathan J. McLaughlin, Amy Pistone, Drew C. Stimson, and Jacqueline Stimson, University of Michigan Pres, Ann Arbor, 2018
P.Oxy. 73 P.Parsons u.a., The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXXIII (Nos. 4931-4967). (Egypt Exploration Society. Graeco-Roman Memoirs. No. 94), London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2009
P.Oxy. 74 D. Leith u.a., The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXXIV (Nos. 4968-5019). (Egypt Exploration Society. Graeco-Roman Memoirs. No. 95), London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2009
P.Oxy. 75 H. Maehler u.a., The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXXV (Nos. 5020-5071). (Egypt Exploration Society. Graeco-Roman Memoirs. No. 96), London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2010
P.Oxy. 77 A. Benaissa u.a., The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXXVII (Nos. 5101-5126). (Egypt Exploration Society. Graeco-Roman Memoirs. No. 98), London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2011
P.Oxy. 80 M. Hirt u.a., The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXXX (Nos. 5219-5257). (Egypt Exploration Society. Graeco-Roman Memoirs. No. 101), London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2014
P.Oxy. 84 A. Benaissa u. a., The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXXXIV (Nos. 5404-5476). (Egypt Exploration Society. Graeco-Roman Memoirs. No. 105), London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2019
P.Yale 03 Paul Schubert, A Yale Papyrus (PYale III 137) in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library III. (American Studies in Papyrology 41), Oakville, Connecticut, American Society of Papyrologists, 2001
PSI 17 Papiri della Società Italiana, volume diciassettesimo (PSI XVII) ni 1654-1715 a cura di Francesca Maltomini, Simona Russo, Marco Stroppa (Edizioni dell’Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli» 8), Firenze, 2018
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Erstellt von D. Hagedorn
Erstellungsdatum vor 2016
interne ID wl-grc-13653

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