
Lemma Σενοσῖρις
O.Ber. 02 Roger S. Bagnall, Christina Helms, Arthur M. F. W. Verhoogt, with contributions by Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, Hélène Cuvigny, Meindert Dijkstra, and Ursula Kaplony-Heckel, Documents from Berenike II. Greek Ostraka from the 1999-2001 Seasons. (Papyrologica Bruxellensia 33). Bruxelles, Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, 2005
O.Kellis Klaas A. Worp, Greek Ostraka from Kellis (O.Kellis, Nos. 1-293) (Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph No. 13), Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2004
P.Count Willy Clarysse und Dorothy J. Thompson, Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt, Vol. 1 (Cambridge Classical Studies), Cambridge 2006
P.Nekr. Roger S. Bagnall, The Undertakers of the Great Oasis (P. Nekr.) (Graeco-Roman Memoirs, Supplemental Vol. 1), London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2017
P.Oxy. 86 Amin Benaissa, Michael Zellmann-Rohrer, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXXXVI (Egypt Exploration Society. Graeco-Roman Memoirs), London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2021
SB 23 Hans-Albert Rupprecht - Joachim Hengstl - Andrea Jördens, Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten, XXIII. Band (Index zu Band XXII), Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag 2002
Weitere Informationen
Erstellt von D. Hagedorn
Erstellungsdatum vor 2016
interne ID wl-grc-26362

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